The Comsine Trust, a leading company in Israel for digital signature, supplies a variety of solutions to organizations. They help to create digital invoices based on the safest, most efficient and most professional method. These invoices turned into the most sought after businesses, companies, corporations, and public institutions among law firms, CPA offices, clinics, civil servants, high-tech companies, individuals, and more.
Actually, what is a digital invoice?
To understand the benefits of digital invoicing, one must know the essence of such a document. A digital invoice or a computerized invoice is an electronic document that has a digital signature that is both secure and authenticated. In fact, such invoices are recognized by law such as a papard.
So why produce a digital invoice?
The production of digital invoices with our company guarantees a set of clear benefits to the organization:
We produce a digital invoice with an electronic signature that is both familiar and approved by the government and the Ministry of Justice. This invoice is also familiar to Google, Microsoft, Apple and Adobe. Therefore, these computerized invoices that were produced by our company will be known to every computer at any place around the world.
Digital signature is suitable for all types of invoices. There is no limit to the number of invoices that can be produced per month. Therefore, these invoices are perfectly suitable for every organization of any kind.
Invoices can be produced rapidly and automatically through a program that is very simple to use: one can produce a single invoice or a bunch of hundreds or thousands.
Invoices can be used for many certified individuals in the organization.
Invoices can be digitally stored in the cloud, and therefore preserve hardware installations in your organization.
Digital signatures are provided with the highest level of security with digital invoices being locked. No one is able to change it or manipulate its data.
The process of verification of the person who signs the challan is done digitally and includes every necessary details including address, name, e-mail, ID number and more.
The company provides a high level of support service, which will be very efficient and fast for every customer. We will solve every problem of creating digital signature.
With us, not only will you get support for digital signature in digital invoices, but also for any other documents in your organization.